AAAI Brand Renovation
The Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) is the premier scientific society dedicated to advancing the understanding of the mechanisms underlying thought and intelligent behavior and their embodiment in machines. AAAI promotes research in and responsible use of artificial intelligence. The organization also aims to increase public understanding of artificial intelligence, improve the teaching and training of AI practitioners, and provide guidance concerning AI developments and future directions.
Brand Identity
Brand Standards Stationery
Membership Organization

A Refreshed Brand for Modern Use
Shift began working with AAAI in 2022 on communication strategy, conference materials, performance reporting, and general marketing support. In 2023, AAAI was ready for a logo refresh.
It was important to AAAI to have a modernized version of its logo while retaining the fundamental qualities of its original brand mark. The triangular brand mark has been at the forefront of this prestigious and authoritative organization within the AI community for over 40 years, so removing it would have been a disservice to the brand.

Collaborative exerciseSHIFT Session
To kick the project off, Shift and AAAI’s staff and international board members completed an exerciseSHIFT session.
During the first module, both teams audited all AAAI logos in use, thoughtfully identifying their challenges and issues. Over time, the logo was manipulated and added to, resulting in a diluted visual identity as so many versions were in circulation. From a technical standpoint, the previous logos were difficult to use as they did not scale well and the color palette frequently posed challenges when implementing.
In the second module, we worked through an exercise to establish nouns, verbs, and adjectives associated with AAAI, which were then used to guide the organization’s overall tone.

Revitalizing an Established Brand Mark
Early in the design exploration process, Shift made several refinements to the brand mark. The diagonal negative spaces between each ‘A’ felt tight and did not hold up well at small scales. The ‘i’, on the other hand, felt squeezed within its triangle, so it was adjusted to fit more comfortably within the space.
It was cited during the exerciseSHIFT session that the typography and brand mark did not have a strong relationship. To unify the two elements, rounded corners were incorporated into the brand mark to mimic the soft curves present in the selected typeface.

Later in the process, a refined color palette, typographic system, and design element styles were developed to aid in communicating a brand story that did not previously exist. Those decisions were then recorded in a comprehensive brand guidelines document developed collaboratively by the Shift and AAAI teams.

The result is a brand identity that is refreshed and usable, yet still very recognizable by those in the AI community with the intention of retaining a respected and trusted relationship with their audience.

AAAI Symposium Series
In addition to the main conference that occurs every winter, AAAI produces a series of symposia that take place in spring, summer, and fall.
A primary AAAI Symposium Series logo was designed to include elements from the main AAAI brand. It intentionally maintains a bit of its own independence through an expanded color palette. Each season has its own logo and assigned color to allow for differentiation between each event.

Througout the year, Shift works with the AAAI team to develop a number of collateral items for each symposium, like signage, digital graphics, and certificates.