As a small brand design agency with a multi-talented staff, we’re big fans of self-educating. Whether that means mastering a new digital advertising tool, embracing a new approach to creative thinking, or gaining a greater understanding of the world in which our work exists, we love when we find what we need in a book.
Here are a few of the books we’ve each been meaning to read for a little while – perhaps you can add them to your reading list and learn alongside us.
Iterate: Ten Lessons in Design and Failure
by John Sharp (Author), Colleen Macklin (Author), Steven Davis (Illustrator), Yu Jen Chen (Illustrator), Tuba Ozkan (Illustrator), and Carla Molins Pitarch (Illustrator)
As the authors say, failure is the secret ingredient of the iterative creative process. I’m looking forward to learning more about how to welcome failure in pursuit of rapid iteration and discovery.
— Cynthia
The Sum of Small Things: A Theory of the Aspirational Class
by Elizabeth Currid-Halkett
The book is about the current impact of the leisure class. I think all people choose products as an exercise in forming personal identity, and most people spend carefully to self-identify as a good person. But what happens when using privilege to purchase education, health, parenting, and retirement is actually widening the class divide?
— Anthony
The Business of Social Media looks like an excellent resource for anyone (including myself) looking to utilize social media to nurture customer/client relationships rather than simply sharing content.
— Caitlin
Data Story: Explain Data and Inspire Action Through Story
by Nancy Duarte
Nancy Duarte explains how to portray data visually in a way that explains it through the lens of empathy, sparks action, and sticks with those that view it.
— Kelly
Feck Perfuction: Dangerous Ideas on the Business of Life
by James Victore
Written by accomplished designer and motivating educator James Victore, Feck Perfuction seems to be the perfect book to keep on hand in moments of desired creative inspiration.
— Ruby
As an introvert, I’m intrigued by the idea that Susan shared in her Ted Talk about people not being 100% introvert or 100% extrovert but instead that people fall in between depending on the situation.
— Sarah