Over at Increasing your website’s conversion rate, Robbin Steif writes consistently useful and interesting posts about figuring out how people are finding your site and what they’re doing when they get there, and about making your website effective.
Today she tells us why she’ll no longer be using Blogbeat, a service that tracks which searches people use to find a blog — or rather, she tells them, and we get to listen in:
What am I supposed to do tomorrow morning when I wake up and you aren’t there to tell me who visited my blog using the term “Price of Sitecatalyst” from King of Prussia, searching on Google even though this is his third visit? (I always thought King of Prussia was a shopping mall. You’d be awed at how many “price of SC” searches I get.) Do you expect me to use MeasureMap?
No, I know that you expect that we really will be friends and that we’ll be a threesome with Feedburner. But you know, I have my own special relationship with Feedburner and you don’t really measure up, no pun intended. The one thing you did so well, matching up the geo-location with the browser string identifier with the referrer and the search term and permalinks visited — that’s gone. You were a real man with me, Blogbeat. Now that you’ve married Feedburner, I need a calculator to figure out how old those visits from 23,532 seconds ago really were. And just to make this hurt even more, you aren’t offering cookies to exclude myself from the data.